KWG Barbara Lackritz Service Award winner
Christine Nobbe received the 2024 Kirkwood-Webster Groves Branch Barbara Lackritz service award. Awards were presented at the St. Louis Interbranch Council Spring Fling Luncheon in March.
Two Members Honored for AAUW Service
Barbara Johnson was honored as the 2023 recipient of the Kirkwood–Webster Groves Branch Barbara Lackritz Service Award for her tireless work on behalf of AAUW over the 50 years she has been a member. The award was presented at the Metro St. Louis AAUW Interbranch luncheon in March 2023.
Marsha Koch was named Missouri Woman of Distinction for 2023 at the AAUW Missouri State Conference in May. The highest award given by the state organization, the Woman of Distinction award recognizes Marsha’s service to AAUW, to women, and to the community.
Congratulations to Barbara and Marsha!
Fall 2023 Community Activities
Members could be found selling pecans to support our STEM scholarships for high school girls and sharing AAUW’s equity message at the Kirkwood Human Rights Commission event, “Elevating Transgender Voices.”
The AAUW Missouri State Meeting May 6-7, 2022, in Columbia was an opportunity for members to get together in person, share ideas, and hear from AAUW CEO Gloria Blackwell. Sue Shineman, center, state president, presents a 10-Star Award to branch presidents Jeanne Webdell and Marsha Koch.
Jeanne Webdell, Branch Co-President, was honored with a Barbara Lackritz Service Award at the Swing Into Spring Luncheon of the AAUW Metro St. Louis Interbranch Council on March 26, 2022.
KWG Branch members who attended the Swing Into Spring Luncheon: Top row, Charlotte Parsons, Debbie McWard, Niki Burgdorf, Marsha Koch, Lynne Roney; bottom row: Carol Davis McDonald, Jeanne Webdell, Kay Meyer, Barbara Johnson. Not pictured: Chris Nobbe.
Fiftieth Anniversary Luncheon, October 2021
Our booth at the Kirkwood Greentree Festival September 17-19, 2021
September 2018
Spring Celebration Brunch, June 23, 2018
AAUW Missouri Leadership Conference, May 5, 2018, Columbia
AAUW Work Smart salary negotiation workshop at Webster University, hosted by Kirkwood-Webster Groves Branch April 16, 2017
Celebration of our branch’s 45th anniversary in 2016
2014 Branch banquet and officer installation
2013 Branch banquet and officer installation
2013 St. Louis Metro Interbranch Council Spring Fling Luncheon